Advancing immunology, virology, and neurobiology at the
The overall goal of our laboratory is to understand the inextricable connectivity between chronic viral infection and the immune system. The lab is committed to making significant contributions to the understanding of liver disease and to the development and application of immunotherapy aimed at controlling chronic viral replication and end-stage liver disease thus preventing detrimental hepatic consequences.
Grakoui Lab has a diverse portfolio of research projects focused on developing novel strategies for immunotherapy and vaccines against infectious diseases. Our laboratory has expertise in molecular virology, immunological approaches and liver biology utilizing in vitro tissue culture, mouse, non-human primate and human model. Our projects draw from the studies of immunology, neurobiology, and virology with the aim of addressing human diseases.
We are always looking for highly enthusiastic and creative students and postdoctoral fellows to join our team. The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic, energetic, and dedicated. They are eager to learn, strive to be independent, and care about the outcome of the experiments. The candidate having an outside passion such as playing sports, music, or outdoor activity— especially fly fishing— is a plus! Please inquire about available positions by email or through the contact form below.